Monday, March 22, 2010

Statele din US vor da in judecata guvernul federal -legea care socializeaza sistemul de sanatate este neconstitutionala

Nici nu s-a incheiat bine prcesul de votare pentru " healthcare bill",ca incep si procesele. Procurorii generali din cateva state americane,vor da in judecata guvernul federal pentru ca au votat o lege care incalca flagrant Constitutia Statelor Unite.
"Virginia will file suit against the federal government charging that the health-care reform legislation is unconstitutional, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s office confirmed last night.

Cuccinelli is expected to argue that the bill, with its mandate that requires nearly every American to be insured by 2014, violates the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution. The attorney general’s office will file suit once President Barack Obama signs the bill into law, which could occur early this week."

South Carolina
"After the U.S. House’s historic vote Sunday night passing the health care reform bill, South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster issued the following statement:

The health care legislation Congress passed tonight is an assault against the Constitution of the United States. It contains various provisions and federal mandates that are clearly unconstitutional and must not be allowed to stand.
A legal challenge by the States appears to be the only hope of protecting the American people from this unprecedented attack on our system of government. "

"Moments after Congress voted to approve President Obama’s health care legislation, Florida’s Attorney General announced he will file a lawsuit to declare the bill unconstitutional.

…”The health care reform legislation passed by the U. S. House of Representatives this evening clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state’s sovereignty,” Bill McCollum said in a statement distributed late Sunday night."

Se asteapta ca si alte state sa faca acelasi lucru: Texas, Nebraska, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma si Alabama .

Toata aceasta monstruozitate a fost votata in timp ce pe dealurile Capitoliului zeci de mii de americani demonstrau impotriva acestei legi. Este incredibil cum acest guvern isi voteaza agenda socialista impotriva vointei oamenilor. Dar Noiembrie este dupa colt,si sunt convinsa ca ce s-a intamplat in Massachusetts se va intampla in fiecare stat .
Catve imagini de la demonstratiile anti-Demcare de sambata si duminica:

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Hi, iti reintorc vizita. :) Multumesc pentru comment. Ma bucur sa vad oameni care au invatat din istorie. Sper sa ne vizitam mai des.

PS. Love Michelle Malkin!