Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

"The sun is shining, the grass is green,
The orange and palm trees sway.
There's never been such a day
in Beverly Hills, L.A.
But it's December the twenty-fourth,
And I am longing to be up North"
—Verse dropped from original version


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NASA rocks "Gangnam Style"

The video was shot on location @ Johnson Space Center in Houston! I guess you'll understand now why NASA was voted as the best place to work in the federal government 2012 rankings.

All EA iOS Games - on Sale for $0.99

Electronic Arts is having a holiday sale. Again.  For some that could be normal price, but a lot are on sale including Need for Speed Most Wanted, FIFA Soccer 13, Battleship, various Monopoly Games, NBA Jam, and many more. Here is the deals site.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

LA snapshots - 11

Just another regular day in LA@ Lunch time!

121212-The concert for Sandy Relief

Less than 2 hours until showtime@7:30 ET/4:30 PT! You don't want to miss this!
Click to www.121212concert.org/watch to see what channels will broadcast all the action.
Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Dave Grohl, Billy Joel, Alicia Keys, Chris Martin, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen& The E Street Band, Eddie Vedder, Roger Waters, Kanye West, The Who and Paul McCartney and many more will be there!

Update: YouTube link
Chase Bank ATM 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

"Gangnam Style" just became "Wronged 'Em Style"!

Friday December 7th, just two days before he was scheduled to perform for the president and his family at the “Christmas in Washington” concert, South Korean rapper PSY issued a statement apologizing for rapping anti-American lyrics eight years ago. At a 2004 concert, the "Gangnam Style" rapper performed a song with this lyrics:

Kill those Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully.

This is PSy's statement:
"As a proud South Korean who was educated in the United States and lived there for a very significant part of my life, I understand the sacrifices American servicemen and women have made to protect freedom and democracy in my country and around the world. The song I was featured in -- from eight years ago -- was part of a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of two innocent Korean civilians that was part of the overall antiwar sentiment shared by others around the world at that time," the statement read. "While I'm grateful for the freedom to express one's self I've learned there are limits to what language is appropriate and I'm deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted. I will forever be sorry for any pain I have caused anyone by those words."

"I have been honored to perform in front of American soldiers in recent months — including an appearance on the Jay Leno show specifically for them — and I hope they and all Americans can accept my apology," the statement concluded. "While it's important we express our opinions, I deeply regret the inflammatory and inappropriate language I used to do so. In my music I try to give people a release, a reason to smile. I have learned that though music, our universal language we can all come together as a culture of humanity and I hope that you will accept my apology."

My opinion:
Had it not been for the sacrifices of over 35,000 Americans killed in Korea, Mr. Psy's video may well have been titled "Pyongyang Style". Gotta backpedal when the bucks start rolling in...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cum pot vota cetatenii romani din SUA la Alegerile Parlamentare din Romania-Decembrie 09/2012

"Alegerile pentru Camera Deputaţilor şi Senatul României vor avea loc la 9 decembrie 2012, între orele 07.00 – 21.00 (ora locală a fiecărei secţii de votare)

Cetăţenii români cu drept de vot, cu domiciliul sau reşedinţa în SUA, îşi pot exercita dreptul de vot pe baza următoarelor documente prevăzute de lege, aflate în termenul de valabilitate:

  • paşaportul cu menţiunea cetăţean român cu domiciliul în Statele Unite ale Americii; paşaportul diplomatic; paşaportul de serviciu

  • paşaportul simplu însoţit de un document valabil care să dovedească reşedinţa în SUA, respectiv unul dintre următoarele documente emise de autorităţile americane:
- paşaport american, certificat de naturalizare, document de călătorie;
- permis de conducere (driving licence);
- document de identitate emis de autorităţile locale (state/province/territory issued photo state ID);
- permis de reşedinţă permanentă în SUA (green-card / US permanent resident card, US permanent resident alien card);
- permis de muncă (U.S. Employment Authorization Card)
- viză SUA valabilă (viză de studiu / viză de imigrare). "

Lista sectiilor de votare din SUA o gasiti aici. 

Sursa: mae.ro

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hey, let me walk my zebra!

A Madagascar moment on the streets of Staten Island, NY!
Metropolitan Drape & Blind shop owner Zachary Osher told The Staten Island Advance"I was sitting at my desk at about 9:20 when I saw a zebra and pony run back and forth across the street, almost getting hit by a car. About 30 seconds later, I saw two men in dark black suits carrying lassos running across the street." He was fast enough to get the whole scene on his phone.

Happy birthday, Romania!

Today is Romanian's National Day also known as Great Union Day!
I wish all Romanians a joyous national day celebration with peace and prosperity in the coming year.