Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Eve: don't buzz and drive

This New Year's Eve AAA is giving "Tipsy Tows" rides to anyone who calls (800) 400-4AAA, even they are not members of AAA. What's a "Tipsy Tow"? A free tow to the driver's residence of up to 7 miles away.
Also if you call  1-800-522-9955. you'll get free  van and sedan rides from Galpin Ford and Jackson Limousine Service,  within the L.A. basin,(within 10 miles).
Have a marvelous and safe New Year's Eve party !

Read more here
Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Happy New Year 2012!

Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold. Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right!
Happy New Year 2012!

Another one with Romanians via

According to Fox News:
"A federal grand jury indicted six foreign nationals on charges that they defrauded hundreds of customers out of more than $4 million in bogus Internet car sales, federal prosecutors said Thursday"
And the "surprise" :
"The six defendants -- from GermanyRussiaRomania and Latvia -- are accused of collecting payments from hundreds of would-be buyers nationwide, siphoning millions of dollars to Europe and never delivering a vehicle, the indictment said."
Who would've believed that Romanians would do such thing(sarc)?

Read the full story here
Photo credit: Flickr

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Well...I would say:
    - City employees...hmm, 2 hours
    - State employees...1 day
    - Federal employees- Hey, we inherited this from Bush !!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

World's most fuel-efficient car! - Pedl Pwr

L.A. snapshots - 4

Customer service...button! :)

Breath! Oh wait, hold your breath!:D

Cruising through LA - 16

EU Proclaims Water Does Not Hydrate. Water does hydrate in California!:)

P.S. I hope whiskey can reduce the risk of dehydration 'cause after reading about those pinheads in EU, I feel like a double. (heavy sigh!!)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Shortcuts: The Gift of Giving - via "Layaway Angels"

The holiday spirit is gaining momentum because of a movement sweeping the country. Strangers, dubbed “layaway angels,” are spreading acts of kindness, going into stores that offer layaways and paying them off.
Thank you for restoring our faith in human kindness and in what this season is really about.

Complete Strangers Touched By Altruistic "Layaway Angels"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shortcuts - SciTech

Apple Wins Patent Dispute, HTC Phones Banned From Store Shelves

"Apple spokeswoman Kristen Huguet reiterated an earlier statement, saying competitors should create their own technology."

AT&T Agrees to Drop Bid for T-Mobile

""Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said the announcement was "a bit of an anticlimax."
"This is like receiving the divorce papers for a couple that's been separated for years," he said.""

Good. AT&T can suck it. Whatever the future holds for T-Mobile at this point might be uncertain, but whatever. For now I'm pretty freaking happy using their services. Seriously, I think my $49.99/mo plan, for pretty much unlimited everything and with a sane customer service system even, is great.

Cruising through LA - 15

LAPD Bicycle Unit! :)


 "I don't really think, I just walk."-Paris Hilton, THE blonde on her technique on the red carpet

Best resume ever! 

How babies will be born in future....via Funny Pictures 
There would be in 3 category
packages available, each baby will be inplanted with microchip

1) Super Deluxe Package - Memory 100 TB with complete Wikipedia
2) Deluxe Package - Memory 75 TB with headlines only from Wikipedia
3) Class Package - Memory 50 TB with general knowledge no Wikipedia
*Memory TB = Trillion Bytes

"Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black and Jose; all my favorite men. You can have it any way you like it, as long as it's...more?" -Coyote Ugly

Auch, me too!:))

Cruising through LA-14

Safety 1st!:)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Shortcuts - The Gift of Giving

"A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.
"I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."  

"The Wise Woman's Stone" 
 Author Unknown

My special friend Dany tries to help Alexandra to smile again. There is nothing better than to see a smile on a child's face.  Here's the full story. Via Dany

Also don't forget to vote for Liviu, a romanian physics professor from Indiana. He's trying to
"Take The Power of Physics Show to the next level!". Here you can vote .Via Cristina

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Despre misiunile "diplomatice" romanesti - azi Consulatul Romaniei la New York

"Azi am ajuns din nou în locul meu favorit, consulatul României.
Tipul de la ghișeu îi dă doamnei niște acte, avea nevoie de trei foi notarizate. Doamna le ia, se uită pe ele, ceva nu era în neregulă cu două, lipsea whatever. Băiatul zice
– Okay, poate puteți să o notarizați măcar pe aia care este în regulă.
– Nu, nu îți mai notarizez nimic.
– Doamnă, vă rog frumos, nu pot veni săptămâna viitoare, încep chimoterapie, nu mai pot veni…
– Nu, azi nu e program cu publicul, nu îți notarizez nimic.
– Doamnă, mai devreme ați spus că mă ajutați, mi-ați dat să completez…
– Program cu publicul este Luni, Marți și Joi. Vino atunci.
Ce bine că e un geam între mine și doamnele de la ghișeu, înseamnă că nu pot să mă scuipe în față...."
Asta scrie Vivi pe blogul lui despre Consulatul Romaniei la New York. Il simt dezamagit si scarbit, dar pare determinat sa ia atitudine! 
Desi eu am avut o experienta placuta la Consulatul Romaniei la Los Angeles, probabil ca per general situatia sta cum a descris-o Vivi! 
Mentalitatea de "functionar public roman=sheful absolut" se pare ca face legea in interiorul consulatelor romanesti. Customer service? Ce gluma buna! La Consulatul Romaniei in NY customer service-ul  exceleaza prin absenta! 
Si chiar daca Vivi nu da vina pe ele, ca deh, atata stiu-atata fac, io sunt putin mai acida si le gasesc vinovate de nesimtire. Sunt convinsa ca nu le statea nimeni cu pistolul la cap cand il repezeau pe acel domn. 
Ii indemn pe romanii din US sa-si povesteasca experientele lor la misiunile diplomatice romanesti cu care au avut tangenta! Poate reusim sa schimbam ceva in mentalitatea celor pusi acolo sa ne ajute, nu sa ne trateze cu superioritate!