Friday, July 29, 2011

Apple has more cash than Uncle Sam - Debt debate solved, Apple to the rescue!:))

Folks in the White House should be taking notice, because Apple now has more cash on hand than the entire US government. That’s right, Steve Jobs is the new Uncle Sam.
Apple has an astounding $75.88 billion in cash, while the United States only has $73.77 billion. At least now the US has someone to borrow from besides China.
[via TNWthanks for the image @jgns!]
More ....

Misoginismul la romani...

Prin calatoriile mele virtuale pe  bloguri din Romania am ajuns la o concluzie foarte trista : Romanii sunt misogini.
Fragmente dintr-un interviu  cu Octavian Paler aparut in  revista Tango:E foarte complicata o opinie... In primul rind, sint constient ca traiesc intr-o tara de misogini. Cred ca România este o tara de misogini. Si daca ma veti contrazice, va voi ruga sa-mi dati un exemplu, macar unul, de mare poveste de dragoste la români. In toate culturile, mai mari sau mai mici, exista o poveste de dragoste: „Tristan si Isolda“, „Romeo si Julieta“, „Anna Karenina“… pina si cei din pesteri au desenat un corp de femeie. La noi nu exista nici o poveste de dragoste. Dupa cum nu exista sentiment tragic. Cred ca dragostea, la noi, parcurge doar distanta dintre romanta si pat. Altfel spus, dragostea nu este un sentiment puternic, care sa tulbure spiritele. 
Tango: Si credeti ca asta se intimpla din cauza lipsei de pretuire profunda fata de femei?
Octavian Paler: Nu, din cauza psihologiei noastre, care este o psihologie de popor superficial, de popor care poate frige mititei pe orice 
Golgota. Inteleg, din punct de vedere istoric, de ce s-a intimplat asa, pentru ca asta ne-a ajutat sa facem fata multor nenorociri, multor drame, multor mizerii, multor vicisitudini. Am iesit din toate tragediile prin zeflemea, prin bancuri "

Dragostea la romani este marcata de ani si ani de rutina: dimineata la munca la o ora stabilita, coada la paine la o alta ora stabilita,iar dupa  ultimul ecou din "trei culori cunosc pe lume" la terminarea programului TV, urma partida de sex cauzata de romanta patriotica .Cum sa canti dragostea cand partidul era mai important ? N-aveai cum ...asa ca nuantele trairilor amoroase au mocnit fiind inabusite constant . Din pacate asta nu este o scuza pentru ce se intampla acum,si ce este mai trist este ca acest microb se transmite si generatiilor mai tinere. 
Trist....foarte trist.Comentariile "cititorilor" arata nivelul de educatie al romanilor.

and so on...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

El Condor Pasa(with panpipes)- Simply amazing!

This is the music I can listen to over and over again!

And Gheorghe Zamfir's interpretation:

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Continuamente by Francesco Sondelli

From my good Italian friend...with love :

Help bring jobs back to the U.S.A. Ask for an American!

I have not actually tried this, so I cannot tell you that it worked for me.:)

"Any time you call an 800 number (for a credit card, banking, charter communications , health and other insurance, computer help desk, etc) and you find that you're talking to a foreign customer service representative (perhaps in India , Philippines etc), please consider doing the following:

After you connect and you realize that the customer service representative is
not from the USA (you can always ask if you are not sure about the accent), please, very politely (this is not about trashing other cultures) say: "I'd like to speak to a customer service representative in the United States of America ."

The rep might suggest talking to his/her manager, but, again, politely say,
"Thank you, but I'd like to speak to a customer service representative in the

It takes less than one minute to have your call re-directed to the USA . Tonight when I got redirected to a USA rep, I asked again to make sure - and yes, she was from Fort Lauderdale .

Imagine what would happen if every US citizen insisted on talking to only US
phone reps from this day on. Imagine how that would ultimately impact the number of US jobs that would need to be created ASAP..

If I tell 10 people to consider this and you tell 10 people to consider doing
this - see what I becomes an exercise in viral marketing 101.

Remember - the goal here is to restore jobs back here at home - not to be abrupt or rude to a foreign phone rep. You may even get correct answers, good advice, and solutions to your problem - in real English."

Collected via e-mail

Friday, July 22, 2011

Oldies but Goldies-Joe Dassin

Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais
Pour traîner dans un monde sans toi
Sans espoir et sans regret
Et si tu n'existais pas
J'essaierais d'inventer l'amour
Comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts
Naître les couleurs du jour   
Et qui n'en revient pas

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Carmageddon ends early : 405 freeway re-opened by noon-Sunday

 I was on the road yesterday-I had to be . 10 West and 10 East,101 North and 134 East. Everybody called this weekend Carmageddon, but seeing the freeway(s) empty it felt more post-apocalyptic :)) . Instead of Carmageddon I guess we had Carma-Heaven.:))
Thanks to you Angelenos and the strong construction team, the freeway opened 17 hours ahead of schedule. 
At a news conference announcing the reopening,Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa  thanked Angelenos for making an effort to stay off the road in the "car capital of America."
The city of Los Angeles will save $400,000 and the project contractors, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. and Penhall Co., will share a bonus of $300,000 for avoiding another 12-hour shift.
Missing Carmageddon already: 'Monday is going to be be hell again'

Photo: A 405 Freeway sign thanks northbound motorists for helping to avoid the feared "Carmageddon" traffic jam scenario. The freeway reopened 17 hours early after crews demolished half of the Mulholland Drive bridge. Credit: Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times

Friday, July 15, 2011

2012 DV LOTERRY - rezultate

De astazi va puteti verifica statusul aplicatiei pentru  2012 DV LOTTERY aici .

Bafta tuturor aplicantilor!

Avatarul dupa Oscar - sau psihologia invinsului

Genial! Via

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carmageddon,Carpocalypse - let's get real Angelenos,it's not the end of the world!

We're talking here about 53 hours of the 405 being closed , not 53 days. My fellow Angelenos ,we can survive. Let's ride our bikes, let's take the train  . Let's enjoy the great weather and the weekend without being anxious  and angry. I do believe this is just a preemptive panic. 
I love how innovative are our businesses:
- Kim Rodgers is offering to photograph our pets—at a discount
- Howard Teman, owner of T-Man Tattoo on Ventura Boulevard ,  is offering 15% off "any piercing or tattoo."
- JetBlue Airways Corp. announced a "Fly Over the 405" deal with a $4 one-way flight from Burbank to Long Beach
-"Brave the 405 closure with a four-course dinner for $40.05," declares the Wilshire Restaurant on Los Angeles' west side
- Harvelle's bar in Santa Monica is offering $5 for an "Irish Car Bomb" or a "Cadillac Margarita."
-Fifth Generation Readers Fine Jewelers is offering 20% off all merchandise except single diamonds over half a carat.
-Pacific Park, the amusement park on the Santa Monica Pier is offering 53 hours of free rides to anyone with a San Fernando Valley zip code on their driver's license. It also ordered special "traffic-cone orange" cotton candy for the weekend—free with a day pass.The cotton-candy color: "Caltrans Orange."
-At the Sherman Oaks Galleria mall , owners touted an "I Survived Carmageddon Weekend Celebration."

LAPD even asked celebrities to use Twitter to warn their followers.

Tom Hanks 
This weekend, LA! Avoid Carmageddon, Gas-zilla, 405-enstein, Grid-lock-apalooza! STAY HOME. Eat & shop local! Hanx

ashton kutcher 
LAPD askd me 2tweet: 405fwy btwn 10 & 101 will b closed July16-17. In xchange I would like a free pass on that stoplight tickt IT WAS YELLOW

David Lynch 
Dear Twitter Friends who live in the LA area, the 405 freeway will be closed July 16 & 17. Plan ahead. LAPD is calling "Carmageddon.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July y'all!

Happy Birthday America! And never forget: Freedom is never free.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cruising through LA - 6

Crazy times,crazy people!

Conveyor belt sushi - mancare japoneza

Ce e happy hour? Preturi speciale(mici) intre anumite ore ( cand nu este busy)

Ce am mancat?

Philadelphia Roll-favoritul meu

Tuna biscuit

Si desert...Marshmallow ,chocolate strawberry si banana-cu-nu-stiu-ce:))

Timpii de asteptare pentru locuri  sunt intre juma' de ora si 2 ore.